VMANYC Newsletter - March 2021
The First - Time Prac�ce Owner Con�nued…..
Although veterinary prac�ces generally are organized as either a professional service corpora�on or a limited liability company, you should consult first with an a�orney and a tax adviser. Furthermore, you will need to register the business with state and federal tax authori�es and receive a tax iden�fica�on number, or EIN, before you begin opera�ons.
4. Find a Loca�on
A good way to iden�fy a suitable spot for your clinic is by affilia�ng with a commercial real estate broker expe rienced in veterinary prac�ces. When searching for a broker, ask how o�en the person places a veterinary prac�ce, how many poten�al loca�ons the person has as a lis�ng agent, and his or her familiarity with local zoning ordinances. Even if a par�cular use is permi�ed in a zone, issues such as parking requirements could disallow a veterinary hospital. In some cases, you might request a zoning variance from the municipality.
5. Begin Contract Nego�a�ons
Whether you are buying or leasing real estate for your clinic, business transac�ons can be complicated and �me - consuming. Rather than incurring the expense of immediately nego�a�ng and dra�ing a lease contract, consider entering into a le�er of intent, or LOI, with the other party. An LOI is a document — some�mes just a le�er from one party that is signed or ini�aled by the other — out lining the preliminary agreements and understandings. The LOI is not a legally binding contract except for an exclusivity provision that enables you to control the property for a short period while a formal contract is ne go�ated. The LOI should describe the essen�al business terms, including �ming, money, financing, con�ngen cies, risk alloca�on, documenta�on and which party will prepare the documents. The LOI saves �me, energy and money when the par�es cannot agree on the basic terms of a final agreement.
6. Nego�ate and Enter Into a Lease
With financing lined up, a clinic loca�on selected and an LOI dra�ed, you are ready to nego�ate a lease agree ment. The commercial lease might be the largest financial obliga�on you undertake.
Remember that as a commercial tenant, you do not have the same statutory rights as you might have in a res iden�al se�ng. This means the lease agreement contains only the rights that a tenant contractually nego�at ed with the landlord. Thus, if the lease does not contain a provision in wri�ng, then it is not so under the lease. Before determining the provisions you need, work with an a�orney to understand the different types of lease agreements, from a gross lease to a net lease. Varia�ons include single, double and triple net leases. The COVID - 19 pandemic created myriad lease issues for commercial tenants who experienced a slowdown in opera�ons or temporarily closed, so nego�a�ng a favorable lease is more important than ever.
7. Find Your Employees
One of the final steps before launch is hiring employees. A company that operates without a clear under standing of labor and employment laws is taking a serious risk. Employment lawsuits can destroy a business through large verdicts or awards and legal fees. That’s why you need both a personnel manual that sets forth the policies of the prac�ce as well as wri�en employment agreements containing restric�ve covenants for your associate veterinarians.
MARCH 2021, VOL. 61, NO. 1
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