VMANYC Newsletter - March 2024

Hyperadrenocor�cism An important differen�al with acromegaly, hyperadrenocor�cism in cats may present with similar signs, including pituitary enlargement (due to func�onal adenoma). Approximately 20% of cases of feline hyperadrenocor�cism are related to a func�onal adrenal tumor (adenoma or carcinoma). Since cor�sol antagonized insulin, ~80% of these cats will develop diabetes. The overlap in imaging features AND clinical presenta�on with other endocrinopa thies is hair raising! Adrenal Imaging in Cats/Take Home Points: � Normal adrenal glands are 3 - 5 mm thick; 30% of normal cats have adrenal mineraliza�on � Bilateral mild adrenomegaly is most commonly seen with hyperthyroidism. DDX: hypera drenocor�sm, hyperaldosteronism, hypersomatotropism � Primary hyperaldosteronism is most commonly seen as a unilateral adrenomegaly, less commonly seen with bilateral adrenomegaly Pituitary Imaging in Cats/Take Home Points: � Two differen�als for pituitary adenoma forma�on in cats: acromegaly and hyperadreno cor�sm (both associated with diabetes mellitus). � Calvarial thickening and swollen so� �ssues of the neck only with acromegaly � Closely assess globes for re�nal detachment when assessing head/neck CT or MRI in older cats Ramspo� S, Hartmann K, Sauter - Lous C, et al. Adrenal func�on in cat with hyperthyroidism. J Feline Med Surg. 2012 Apr;14(4):262 - 6. Doi:10.1177/1098612X11435893 Combes A, Vandermeulen E, Duchateau Luc, et al. Ultrasonographic measurements of adrenal glands in cats with hyperthyroidism. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2012 Mar - Apr;53(2):210 - 6. Doi:10.1111/j.1740 - 8261.2011.01888.x Stephien RL. Feline hypertension: diagnosis and management. J Feline Med Surg. 2011 Jan 13(1):35 - 43. Doi:10.1016/j.fms.2010.11.008 Tras AM, Abbo� BL, French A, et al. Congenital thyroid hypoplasia and seizures in 2 li�ermate ki�ens. J Vet Intern Med 2008;22(6):1427 - 1431. Doi:10.1111/j.1939 - 1676.2008.02023.x Stromberg SJ, Yan J, Wisner TG, et al. Clinical features and MRI characteris�cs of re�nal detachment in dogs and cats. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2021 Nov;62(6):666 - 73. Doi: 10:1111/vru.12999. Griffin S. Feline abdominal ultrasonography: what’s normal? What's abnormal? The adrenal glands. J Feline Med and Surgery. 2021 Jan 6. h�ps://doi.org/10.1177/1098612X20979509 Fische� AJ, Gisselman, Peterson ME. CT and MRI evalua�on of skull bones and so� �ssues in 6 cats with pre sumed acromegaly versus 12 unaffected cats. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2021 Sep - Oct;53(5):535 - 59.doi:10.1111/ j.1740 - 8261.2012.01957.x. References:

JUNE, 2024, VOL. 64, NO. 2


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