WBASNY Convention 2019 Registration Brochure
T HURSDAY , M AY 30 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. F RIDAY , M AY 31 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 9:45 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. S ATURDAY , J UNE 1 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. 10:00 p.m.
Check - In and Registration
Check - In and Registration
Continuing Legal Education Seminars
� Title IX: Changes Under the New Administration and What It Means for Women � Veteran Affairs Service Connected Compensation Claims
Board of Directors Luncheon Meeting � Legal Implications of Religious Divorce
Historic Savannah Experience
Savannah Carriage Ride
Golf Outing
First - Time Attendee Reception
Cocktail Reception
Awards Dinner
Outgoing President’s Reception
Continental Breakfast
Check - In and Registration
Officers Meeting
Continuing Legal Education Seminars � Beware - You Can’t Be Everything to Every Client! A Review of Conflicts and Other Practice Issues � Understanding Medicare
10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Continuing Legal Education Seminars � Developing Your Cultural Competence to Improve Client Relations � Where the Wild Things Are: Campaign Finance and Ethics in NY
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Women Judges Meeting First Squares Food Tour
Historic Savannah Experience
Cocktail Reception Installation Dinner
10:00 p.m.
Incoming President’s Reception
9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Annual Meeting (Plenary Session)
11:00 a.m.
Check - Out
F RIDAY , M AY 31, 2019
V ETERAN A FFAIRS S ERVICE C ONNECTED C OMPENSATION C LAIMS (1.0 HOUR ) Veterans Law is a growing area where attorneys represent veterans and/or their families as they seek compen- sation from Veterans Benefits Administration. The presenter will discuss what it means to qualify for services, will provide an overview of the various services and compensations available, and an overview of the applica- tion process. Learn how you may be able to help veterans who qualify for benefits and/or services, access vari- ous programs. Come understand why there is a growing need for attorneys to help veterans and how you can advocate for those who need it. Speaker: Danielle E. Bernard, Esq. T ITLE IX: C HANGES U NDER THE N EW A DMINISTRATION AND W HAT I T M EANS FOR W OMEN (1.0 HOURS ) This presentation will focus on Title IX, beginning with a brief overview of its history reviewing some of the semi- nal legal cases involved in its formation. The presenters will cover the evolution of Title IX, discussing the Dear Colleague Letters of 2011 and 2015 and the passage of Enough is Enough in New York. The presenters will also examine the Department of Education’s recent revocation of the Dear Colleague letter under Betsy Devos, its proposed revisions including but not limited to use of cross examination during Title IX hearings, limitations on schools’ authority to investigate Title IX complaints, the new definition of sexual harassment, the option of using a higher standard of proof, and changes in mandatory reporting. Finally, the presenters will talk about the future of Title IX, the implications of the proposed revisions if they are to be adopted, and what we as attorneys can do. Speakers: Elizabeth M. Walker, Esq., Alexandra M. Santo, Esq. L EGAL I MPLICATIONS OF R ELIGIOUS D IVORCE (1.5 HOURS ) Religious Divorce is a topic that for many is shrouded in mystery and unfamiliar rituals. The speaker will explain how stigma, family honor, and religious doctrines create considerable one sided leverage which impedes di- vorce negotiations and settlements. Marital dissolution contracts, including the Jewish Gett and Islamic Mahr agreements are enforceable in Court. There is a trend of support in the community and among religious leaders in favor of domestic violence victims and against those that breach religious contracts. It is important for lawyers to understand their clients’ perspective with respect to the cultural and religious context of their lives and their disputes. As a society, we should all want to build bridges, increase tolerance, and to be culturally competent and inclusive. Speaker: Jacqueline Harounian, Esq.
WBASNY is certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board as an Accredited Provider of continuing legal education in the State of New York. All programs are transitional. Financial hardship scholarship: Full and partial scholarships for these programs based on financial need are available. A written request must be forwarded to the WBASNY President, Post Office Box 936, New York, NY 10024 - 0546. All requests are confidential.
S ATURDAY , J UNE 1, 2019
U NDERSTANDING M EDICARE (2.0 HOURS ) Curious how Medicare is comparable to an a la carte or priced fixed dinner? Understanding Medicare provides an informative and entertaining look at how Medicare can benefit your clients as well as your family and your- self. Grasp the different parts of Medicare, along with basic insurance concepts such as co - insurance v. co - pays, and formularies. Learn how to choose Medicare plans and coordinate Medicare benefits with other health insurance to obtain the most cost - effective and comprehensive coverage. Speaker: Marcia M. Schiff, Esq. D EVELOPING Y OUR C ULTURAL C ONFIDENCE TO I MPROVE C LIENT R ELATIONS (1.5 HOURS ) “You can’t say that anymore.” Black or African - American. “My pronouns are they/them.” LGBT or GSRM. “I’m a cripple.” Illegal alien or undocumented American. “I’m fat.” Have you ever found yourself at a loss when trying to discuss an integral part of your client’s identity? Have you ever sensed a client’s discomfort without being able to pinpoint the source? We mean well, but our knowledge is limited largely by our own experiences and expo- sures – we need to walk a mile in another’s shoes, that is become culturally competent. This CLE will help you identify your own implicit biases using examples from the media we consume every day. You will walk away with a baseline from which to grow your cultural competence and tips for working with specific marginalized groups. Speakers: Katherine Courtney, Esq., Heather Neu, Esq. This program is based on a transactional scenario involving, inter alia: the formation of a small business entity, real estate transactions, and leasing issues. The materials and interactive discussion will involve the best prac- tices and the relevant Rules of Professional Conduct when using “forms” such as the Retainer, Conflict Waiv- ers, By - Laws, Broker, and Loan Agreements. Some of the ethical issues to be discussed are conflicts, compe- tence, scope of representation, diligence, communication, client confidences, legal fees, recordkeeping, and reporting misconduct. Speakers: Hon. Betty Weinberg Ellerin, Delores Gebhardt, Esq., Stephen D. Hoffman, Esq., Randi Proukou, Esq., Deborah A. Scalise, Esq., Edwina Frances Martin, Esq. W HERE THE W ILD T HINGS A RE : C AMPAIGN F INANCE AND E THICS IN N EW Y ORK (1.5 HOURS ) The U.S. Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United v. FEC opened up spending by organizations in federal political campaigns. Since then, states across the country have adjusted how campaigns within their borders are regulated and legal and ethical campaign finance questions abound. Attendees will receive an un- derstanding of how to navigate current election law campaign finance requirements for campaigns in New York, with an eye to exceeding current ethical standards. Topics will include who may give and receive political contri- butions, limits for different persons and organizations, limits for participation at different levels of government, financial filing requirements for political campaigns, committees, and PACs, current and proposed ethical stand- ards, and a brief exploration of the relationship between money in politics and voter engagement. Speaker: Leslie Danks Burke, Esq. E THICS U PDATE 2019: B EWARE – Y OU C AN ’ T B E E VERYTHING TO E VERY C LIENT ! A R EVIEW OF C ONFLICTS AND O THER P RACTICE I SSUES (2.0 HOURS )
Hotel Accommodations The Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort and Spa, 1 Resort Drive, Savannah, Georgia 31421, Tel: (912) 201 - 2000. Website: www.westinsavannahresort.com. Located in the Savannah River District, among the beautiful marshlands and wild coasts of the Georgia Lowcountry, The Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Re- sort & Spa is a luxurious riverside oasis.
The resort offers the lavish Heavenly Spa by Westin™, comprehensive busi- ness services, Har - Tru tennis courts, a 600 - foot deep marina and the area's only PGA championship golf course. Newly renovated guest rooms and suites are furnished with modern, comfortable amenities, from 55 - inch LCD Smart TVs to high - speed internet access, multimedia connectivity centers, and the Westin Heavenly® Bed and Heavenly® Bath. Outstanding resort dining options include a waterfront grill, a stylish southern restaurant and a sleek lounge. Savannah's renowned shopping, nightlife, restaurants and more are moments away via the free water ferry departing regularly from the tranquil island respite.
Complimentary activities include bicycle and golf cart tours of the island, poolside activities, guided runs, a driving range, bocce ball and croquet, poolside movies, s’mores or ghost stories by the harbor - side fire pit, arts and crafts, stargazing and culinary demonstrations. Local Area
Savannah, Georgia is a charming Southern escape where art, period archi- tecture, trendy boutiques and ghost stories are all set under a veil of Spanish moss. Savannah is a place where cuisine comes straight from the coast and cocktails are served at every meal. Separated from South Carolina by the Savannah River, it’s known for manicured parks, horse - drawn carriages and antebellum architecture. The historic district is filled with cobblestoned squares and parks such as Forsyth Park, shaded by oak trees covered in Spanish moss. At the center of this picturesque district is the landmark Goth- ic - Revival Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist. Local activities include art mu-
seums such as the Telfair Museum of Art, Girl Scout founder Juliette Gordon Low birthplace, Georgia State Railroad Museum, SCAD Museum of Art and the Jepson Center for the Arts. Enjoy scenic historic trolley tours, shopping, riverboat cruises or visit a historic landmark such as the Owens - Thomas House, Bonaven- ture Cemetery, the Wilkes House or the Mercer - Williams House where Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil was filmed. Travel Arrangements The Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort and Spa is located 20 minutes from Savannah/Hilton Head In- ternational Airport. Delta Air Lines is pleased to partner with WBASNY by offering special negotiated discounts for registrants for Convention 2019. To take advantage of these discounts, visit www.delta.com/booking and enter the meeting code “NY2KC” and continue with the online booking process or call the Delta Meeting Network at 800 - 328 - 1111, Monday - Friday, 7:30 am - 7:30 pm (CT) and refer to meeting event code “NY2KC”. Ground transportation service options from the airport include shuttles, ride share companies, rental car companies and taxi companies. For more information visit https://savannahairport.com/airport/ground - transportation . Overnight valet parking is available, as well as self parking (fees apply).
Historic Savannah Experience (walking) Founded in 1733, Savannah’s rich history, unique charm and stunning beauty continually delight visi- tors. The historic Savannah Experience begins with a stroll through historic Savannah, home to stately Southern architecture and distinctive park - like squares. The experience includes touring one of Savan- nah’s Historic House Museums offering a look into the lives of some of the city’s wealthy cotton mer- chants and continues with a visit to The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist which is compared to some of the most beautiful churches in Europe. Duration - 3 hours.
Savannah Carriage Ride No visit to Savannah is complete without a sightseeing tour by horse - drawn carriage. Let the “clip - clop” of horses, and sway of the carriage, transport you to Savannah’s colorful past. Join us for a comfortable ride as you make your way through the largest continuous historic district in the United States. This fully narrated 50 - minute tour covers Savannah from the founding in 1733 to present day. Duration - 1.5 hours. Golf Outing The annual WBASNY Golf Outing will be held at the Club at Savannah Harbor nestled between the banks of the Savannah and Back rivers of the splendid Georgia Lowcountry. The serenity of coastal Georgia, with its tidal marshes and abundant wildlife provides the canvas for the Club, a masterpiece created and designed by renowned architect Robert Cupp in conjunction with the legendary Sam Snead. The Club offers unparalleled views of historic downtown Savannah while it gently winds its way through tidal wetlands. Includes nine holes of golf, greens fees and golf carts. Club rentals are available and extra. Duration - 2.5 hours. Historic Savannah Experience (trolley) Founded in 1733, Savannah’s rich history, unique charm and stunning beauty continually delight visi- tors. The historic Savannah Experience begins with a trolley ride through historic Savannah, home to stately Southern architecture and distinctive park - like squares. The experience includes touring one of Savannah’s Historic House Museums offering a look into the lives of some of the city’s wealthy cotton merchants and continues with a visit to The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist which is compared to some of the most beautiful churches in Europe. This excursion includes roundtrip transportation from The Westin Savannah Golf Resort and Spa. Duration - 2.5 hours. First Squares Food Tour Food is one of the best ways to sample an area’s culture. On the First Squares Food Tour you will be able to get a feel for what Savannah and the state of Georgia are all about. A knowledgeable tour guide will connect the history of Savannah to the food you sample as you visit each tasting location. The tour includes samples of delicious foods from six unique foodie spots surrounding the initial squares built in Savannah all while learning about the food, restaurants, the history, and the culture that help shape the tasty Hostess City’s palate. Tasting locations include a not - so - ordinary pub, an award - winning honey store, and a traditional Scottish restaurant highlighting dishes consumed by some of Savannah’s earliest settlers. Duration: 3 hours.
2019 Award Recipients
Joan L. Ellenbogen Founders Award Hon. Sandra B. Sciortino (Orange-Sullivan) Marilyn R. Menge Award Fay Y. Parris, Esq. (Queens) Hanna S. Cohn Pro Bono Award Claire F. Rush, Esq. (Brooklyn) Doris S. Hoffman Outstanding New Lawyer Award Nicole M. Komin, Esq. (Western New York) Stephanie E. Kupferman Juvenile Justice Award Carla Schuman Wise, Esq. (Orange-Sullivan) Judith S. Kaye Access to Justice Award Patricia Anne Taylor Carsel, Esq. (Staten Island) Deirdre L. Hay, Esq. – President Joy A. Thompson, Esq. – President - Elect Melissa H. Nickson, Esq. – Vice President Dawn Reid - Green, Esq. – Vice President Deborah G. Rosenthal, Esq. - Vice - President Kelly A. Pressler, Esq. – Treasurer Dawn A. Lott, Esq. – Corresponding Secretary Heather Neu, Esq. – Recording Secretary 2019 - 2020 Incoming Officers
C ONVENTION 2019 The Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort & Spa, Savannah, Georgia May 30 - June 2, 2019 R EGISTRATION F ORM ( F ORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY M AY 3, 2019) WBASNY Members registering by April 22nd will receive a $50.00 discount on the full convention package or the weekend convention package
�� WBASNY Member
Name (please print)
�� First time attendee
Firm / Organization Name
WBASNY Chapter
City / State / Zip
E - mail
� Full Convention Package: (Thursday, May 30 - Sunday, June 2) Includes Friday and Saturday Continuing Legal Education Programs, Friday and Saturday Breakfast, Refreshment Breaks, Friday Reception and Awards Dinner, Saturday Reception and Installation Dinner, and Sunday Plenary Breakfast Meeting � Weekend Convention Package: (Friday, May 31 - Sunday, June 2) Includes Friday and Saturday Continuing Legal Education Programs, Saturday Breakfast, Refreshment Breaks, Friday Reception and Awards Dinner, Saturday Reception and Installation Dinner, and Sunday Plenary Breakfast Meeting � 1 Day / 1 Night Convention Package: (Friday, May 31 - Saturday, June 1 ) Includes Friday Continuing Legal Education Programs, Friday Break, Friday Reception and Awards Dinner, and Saturday Breakfast � 1 Day / 1 Night Convention Package: (Saturday, June 1 - Sunday, June 2) Includes Saturday Continuing Legal Education Programs, Saturday Break, Saturday Reception and Installation Dinner, and Sunday Plenary Breakfast Meeting
$ 650 = $ _________
$ 600 = $ _________
$ 325 = $ _________
$ 350 = $ _________
CLE P ROGRAMS AND S EMINARS — I plan to attend the following CLE programs:
Friday, May 31
Saturday, June 1 �� Ethics Update 2019 �� Understanding Medicare �� Cultural Competence �� Campaign Finance and Ethics
�� Title IX �� Veteran Affairs �� Religious Divorce
�� Early Registration Discount — April 22 deadline, deduct $50.00 (Valid only for members registering for the full convention or weekend package)
- $ 50 = $ _________
Please note that registration fees do not include hotel accommodations. All room reservations must be made individually through the hotel’s reservation link on the WBASNY website at www.wbasny.org .
SUBTOTAL = $ _________
� Full Convention Non-Member Package: (Thursday, May 30 - Sunday, June 2) Includes Friday and Saturday Breakfast, Refreshment Breaks, Friday Reception and Awards Dinner, Saturday Reception and Installation Dinner, Sunday Plenary Breakfast Meeting, Convention Commemorative Tote Bag and Gift Items, and Recognition of Your Association and Commitment to WBASNY Name of Adult Non - Member: __________________________________________________________ � Weekend Convention Non-Member Package: (Friday, May 31 - Sunday, June 2) Includes Saturday Breakfast, Refreshment Breaks, Friday Reception and Awards Dinner, Saturday Reception and Installation Dinner, Sunday Plenary Breakfast Meeting, Convention Commemorative Tote Bag and Gift Items, and Recognition of Your Association and Commitment to WBASNY Name of Adult Non - Member: _________________________________________________________ � Children’s Meal Package (4-12 years old): (Friday, May 31 - Sunday, June 2) Friday and Saturday Breakfast, Refreshment Breaks, Friday Reception and Awards Dinner, Saturday Reception and Installation Dinner, and Sunday Plenary Breakfast Meeting Name(s) of Child(ren): __________________________________________________________
$ 575 = $ _________
$ 525 = $ _________
$ 150 = $ _________
Golf Outing
# ____ X $ 55 # ____ X $ 45 # ____ X $ 225 # ____ X $ 40 # ____ X $ 65 # ____ X $ 60 # ____ X $ 225 # ____ X $ 75 # ____ X $ 15
= $ _________ = $ _________ = $ _________ = $ _________ = $ _________ = $ _________ = $ _________ = $ _________ = $ _________
Friday Savannah Carriage Ride Friday Awards Reception and Dinner
Friday Historic Savannah Experience (walking)
Saturday First Squares Food Tour
Saturday Historic Savannah Experience (trolley)
Saturday Awards Reception and Dinner
Continuing Legal Education (per program) (Please indicate which CLE you plan to attend on reverse side of this form)
$ _________
Please indicate any special needs:
� vegetarian meals
PAYMENT: (All registration fees are non - refundable after May 3, 2019 at 6:00 pm) � Enclosed is my check, made payable to “WBASNY”, together with my registration form. Mail to: WBASNY Convention 2019, Post Office Box 936, Planetarium Station, New York, NY 10024 - 0546. � Please charge to: American Express _____ MasterCard _____ Visa _____ Name on Card: _____________________________________________________ Billing Address: _____________________________________________________ Card #: _____________________________________________ Expiration Date: _______ / _______ Signature: ___________________________________________ CVS#: __________ � If paying by credit card, you may fax your registration to: (212) 721 - 1620 or register on - line at: www.wbasny.org . � Inquiries should be directed to: Linda Chiaverini at (212) 362 - 4445 or events@wbasny.org .
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