WBASNY Virtual Convention 2021 Registration Brochure
F RIDAY , M AY 21, 2021
T RENDS IN C YBERCRIME (1.0 HOUR ) This presentation will focus on the cybercrime threat landscape over the past year, from the perspective of a local prosecutor’s office. The topics and trends covered will include business email compromise fraud; fraud involving cryptocurrencies, including ransomware and account takeovers; and trafficking of personal identifying information online. Speaker: Elizabeth Roper, Esq. D IVERSITY & I NCLUSION - C ONSIDERATION IN 2021 & B EYOND (1.0 HOUR ) This program will address Diversity, Equity and Inclusion by examining federal and New York State laws as they apply to employment, as well as businesses and their customers in our society. The program materials will dis- cuss several of the United States Supreme Court's 2020 landmark cases, examine how diversity and inclusion efforts are moving forward in 2021, and also evaluate certain areas where efforts still fall short. Speaker: Prof. Michael L. Fox, JD T HE P ERILS OF P RENUPS (1.5 HOURS ) Prenuptial agreements are becoming ever more popular even as most people recognize that a prenup often hurts the relationship and can even cause its very destruction. In many instances a prenup in New York accom- plishes nothing, so there is no reason to incur its serious risks. Yet, in other instances, a prenup might actually be needed. In this presentation, the speaker will discuss when a prenup is not necessary and when it is, the harms a typical prenup causes, and how to prepare and negotiate one so that it improves, rather than harms, the betrotheds’ relationship. Speaker: Chaim Steinberger, Esq. A FTER THE C ONVICTION - H ELPING P EOPLE R ESTORE T HEIR R IGHTS (1.5 HOURS ) There are over 35,000 collateral consequences to the criminal conviction throughout the United States. They can range from voting and housing restrictions, denial of bank loans, and employment and educational license denial. Despite these ongoing issues, many practitioners fail to appreciate the great work that can be done in the post - conviction arena to help their clients move forward in their lives. This CLE will look at the overall pic- ture of collateral consequences, explore the obligations under Kentucky v. Padilla, and review the various types of post - conviction relief that is instrumental in helping post - conviction clients achieve their goals, particularly certificates of relief from civil disabilities, certificates of good conduct, and sealing motions. Attendants will get a thorough review of each type of relief available, including the forms and tips on enhancing their clients’ applica- tions. Speaker: Elizabeth A. Justesen, Esq., MSW
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