WBASNY Virtual Convention 2021 Registration Brochure
S ATURDAY , M AY 22, 2021
W HOSE B ABY IS IT A NYWAY (1.0 HOUR ) Legislation concerning surrogacy, with the support of WBASNY, was finally passed in New York, making gesta- tional surrogacy legal as of February 15, 2021. This program provides an overview of the new surrogacy law, and the requirements of a Gestational Carrier Agreement. The program will also address how intended parents, surrogates and the children born through assisted reproduction technology are impacted from a psychological perspective. Additionally, the program will exhibit a mock interview between an attorney and an intended parent, and address the everyday practices surrounding surrogacy. Speakers: Susan Baldomar, Andrea Braverman, Ph.D., Denise Seidelman, Esq., Yifat Shaltiel, Esq. R EASONABLE A CCOMMODATIONS IN AN U NREASONABLE W ORLD (1.0 HOUR ) This presentation is designed to help employers navigate the world of “accommodations” – traditional and new – made complex by a global pandemic and administrative guidance that seems to change from one day to the next. The speaker will address the resurgence of traditional accommodation requests under the ADA and re- quests made under NY leave laws, along with the increase in nontraditional “accommodation” requests not nec- essarily covered or well explained by the current legal framework. Speaker: Jacqueline Phipps Polito, Esq. # ME T HREE ? N AVIGATING C ONFLICTING S TANDARDS IN S EXUAL H ARASSMENT L AW (1.5 HOURS ) As accusations and allegations of sexual harassment continue to make headlines, employers, educators, attor- neys, and courts must answer a fundamental question, What IS sexual harassment, anyway? This program of- fers an overview of the changing landscape of sexual harassment law, focusing on current, often conflicting, legal standards imposed by recent changes to both state and federal law: the New York Human Rights Law (Executive Law §§ 290 et seq. ), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC §§ 2000e et seq.; 29 CFR Part 1601), and, most controversially, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 USC §§ 1681 et seq. ; 34 CFR Part 106), recently implemented regulations which explicitly apply to employment in specific contexts. Thorough jurisprudence has been applied to only one of these statutes in their current iterations, leaving liti- gants and policy - makers and litigators with questions that remain to be explored. Speaker: Elizabeth A. Ledkovsky, Esq. N EW F RONTIERS IN F AMILY L AW IN A P OST -COVID-19 W ORLD (1.0 HOUR ) During the past two decades, the concept of parenthood has been dramatically redefined. Shared custody has been normalized. Gender roles are in flux, but also evolving are assisted reproductive technologies and laws addressing parenting options and re- productive rights. Fertility treatments are becoming increasingly popular, destigmatized and more widely accepted, and increasing- ly, covered by insurance. LGBTQ couples and single parents have contributed to the demand. All of these modern parenthood options are creating a new frontier in family law. Legal complications abound when it comes to parental rights and child custody, especially in the absence of a written agreement between the parents. Speaker: Jacqueline Harounian, Esq.
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